meet our

training staff

Jamie Susino

Director of Training | Personal Trainer | Nutrition Coach

Jamie has a true love for lifting heavy weights and for teaching others to lift weights. Though she is considered to be a pint-sized female, she finds great joy in defying expectations. On top of personal training and coaching classes, she has also been teaching yoga since 2013 and loves movement and yoga flows. Her goal in the fitness world is to encourage people to try new things, not be afraid to lift weights, and to focus on overall movement and mobility.

In The Industry Since: 2013

Specialties: Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Strength Training, Nutrition, Weight Loss, CrossFit

Certifications: CrossFit L-1, CHFI PT L1 an L2, CHFI Nutrition Coach L1 and L2, Strala Yoga 200-HR, Laughing Lotus Restorative Yoga

Personal Motto: The 5×5 rule. If it’s not something that’s going to matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it.

Favorite Quote: “Be excellent to eachother” Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Favorite Food/Eating Style: Sushi and anything spicy!

Favorite Workout Music: Pop-Punk/Emo

Favorite Movie: The Exorcist. And really any horror movie.

Favorite Non-fitness Related Hobby: My cats! Music: Listening to music, playing music, and seeing live shows.

Monica Farago

Personal Trainer | Nutrition Coach

Monica started teaching Yoga in 2013 after moving back home to NJ from CSU in Colorado. During her time in Colorado, she expanded on her love for the outdoors by enjoying Snowboarding, Hiking, Camping, Water Skiing, Swimming, Rock Climbing, and Biking and Walking everywhere. While participating in all of these activities, she noticed there were 70+ year old people doing these same activities! What an inspiration! Monica realized the key to happiness and good health is living actively. After teaching Yoga for 2 years and spending more time in the gym, she decided to become a Personal Trainer in order to guide others on their individual fitness journey to a happy and healthy life!

In The Industry Since: 2013

Specialties: Strength Training, Yoga, Running, Hiking/Trail Running, Alignment and Correct Form for Exercise, Stretching and Recovery

Certifications: CHFI Performance PT Coach Level 1 & 2, CHFI Performance Nutrition Coach Level 1 & 2, WITS Personal Trainer, 200 Hour Power Yoga Cert, Foam Rolling Cert, CPR and AED Cert

Personal Motto: Treat yourself and others with respect and kindness

Favorite Quote: “Never try to impress others, try to impress yourself and find happiness within you.”

Favorite Food/Eating Style: Chicken Vegetable Soup with Homemade Dumplings

Favorite Workout Music: Lil Wayne and DrakeFavorite Movie: Role Models

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Non-fitness Related Hobby: Cooking and Baking, Indoor Gardening, Spending time with my dog, Archie and gaming on Nintendo Switch

Max Taghon

Personal Trainer

I swam competitively from a young age up until the end of high school. After high school, because of a poor diet, and the fact that I no longer swam 5 days a week I started to get overweight and generally out of shape. I decided I wanted to change myself, I was tired of feeling tired. I started going back to the weight room at the YMCA I worked at in an attempt to do something about it. My parents saw the effort I was putting in and bought me some training sessions at an actual gym. Once I learned how to properly workout, I quickly saw a lot of progress. Getting better with my diet was also quite a challenge, but after a lot of trial and error I finally made headway there as well. During this process I quickly saw the positive changes in my body and just regular daily activities. My mental health got better and I had a lot more energy. I had dropped a lot of the extra weight and had gotten a lot stronger, it was a major goal I had set for myself. Because I went through this process of starting at rock bottom and making a huge overall change I know what it takes to reach your goals. I want to help others achieve their fitness goals just like I have. Yes, it's a lot of work, but the health benefits are just too good to ignore. Achieving good health, especially with how the medical and insurance industries are these days, cannot be valued enough. I want to help others be the best versions of themselves and I want to show them how important it is to do weight training.

In The Industry Since: 2022

Specialties: strength training and weight loss

Certifications: CPR/First Aid/AED, NASM

Personal Motto: Don't be busy, be productive

Favorite Quote: Do. Or do not. There is no try. - Yoda

Favorite Food/Eating Style: Chinese

Favorite Workout Music: Pop Punk (State Champs, Neck Deep, Four Year Strong)

Favorite Movie: Animal House, Return of the Jedi

Favorite Non-fitness Related Hobby: Gaming

Jennifer Mariana

Personal Trainer

I left the corporate world to raise my three, now adult, children as my family was moving throughout the US. When my kids became more independent, I decided to regain my fitness. Starting off with walking, which then turned into running, and eventually as I began to regain my fitness I started doing group fitness classes. With the encouragement of my group fitness instructors and participating in a Big Slim Down program, I transformed my workouts and fitness. I then decided to pay it forward and encourage others to become fit. With this in mind, I became a volunteer coach and then assistant coach for Montgomery Recreation Couch to 5K and Girls on the Run programs. Empowering women and girls to run was so rewarding that I decided to become a Person Trainer to continue encouraging people to regain, maintain, and take their fitness to the next level.

In The Industry Since: 2016

Specialties: Balance, Functional, Running

Certifications: Personal Training, TRX

Personal Motto: Don't worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing gonna be alright Bob Marley


Favorite Food/Eating Style: Mediterranean

Favorite Workout Music: Hip Hop, Rap, Dancehall, Soca

Favorite Movie: Elf

Favorite Non-fitness Related Hobby: AOW Scuba Diver, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Windsurfing Surfing, Catamaran Sailing, Surfing, Hiking, and spending time with my family & friends

Nia Furtado

Personal Trainer | Nutrition Coach

I took a 2 hour Muay Thai class back in Summer of 2010 and that was it, I was hooked on the fit life. I was an avid yogi throughout college and eventually found CrossFit in 2014, that’s when I fell in love with the barbell and lifting heavy – I am no stranger to knowing how intimidating it can be when you’re just starting out, but my goal is to inspire women (and men!) to step into their strength.

In The Industry Since: 2019

Specialties: functional fitness, weightlifting, technique, weight loss, yoga

Certifications: Action CPT, USAW 1+2, Precision Nutrition Level 1, Himalaya Yoga Valley 200hr RYT

Personal Motto: Movement is medicine

Favorite Quote: “People get built different. We don’t have to figure it out, we just have to respect it.” – Princess Bubblegum, AdventureTime

Favorite Food/Eating Style: IIFYM

Favorite Workout Music: house/disco, hip hop

Favorite Movie: I Love You, Man

Favorite Non-fitness Related Hobby: camping at music fests, longboarding, baking

Devian Sheoraj

Personal Trainer

I always liked training and have been active for pretty much all of my life. When I first started getting into the gym consistently, I had no clue what I was doing until I joined NextFit. It wasn’t until after being with Next that I decided to start pursuing training.

In The Industry Since: 2023

Specialties: Compound Movements, Functional Strength

Certifications: ISSA

Personal Motto: They key to leveling up is hidden inside your daily routine

Favorite Quote: “All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!” -Big Smoke(GTA: San Andreas)

Favorite Food/Eating Style: Buffalo or BBQ Chicken, Protein Waffles, Oatmeal,Filet Mignon or Rib Eye, Applejacks, Fruits

Favorite Workout Music: All kinds of rap (Soundcloud, 80s-90s, Heavy Metal, Underground, Mainstream)

Favorite Movie: Aliens(the second one). But I prefer TV shows such as The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, or Sons of Anarchy

Favorite Non-fitness Related Hobby: Longboarding, Rock Climbing, Xbox, Chess, and chilling with my friends